Q1. Can I cancel my order?
Yes, you can cancel your order:
o Before dispatch: Full refund will be provided for prepaid orders.
o After dispatch but before delivery: Forward and return shipping charges
will be deducted from the prepaid amount.
Q2. How can I cancel my order?
To cancel your order, email us at chaardeewari23@gmail.com with your order
ID and reason for cancellation. Our team will guide you through the process.
Q3. Are there any charges for cancelling an order?
Before dispatch: No charges apply, and a full refund will be issued for prepaid
After dispatch: Forward and return shipping costs will be deducted.
Q4. What happens if my order is undelivered?
If your order is returned to us by the courier service:
o Forward and return shipping costs will be withheld temporarily.
o The remaining amount will be refunded immediately.
o The withheld amount will be refunded once the courier confirms the issue
was their responsibility.
Q5. Can I cancel a Cash on Delivery (COD) order?
COD orders can be cancelled, but please note the maximum allowable COD
order value is ₹2,999. Orders above this amount must be prepaid
Q6. What is your return policy?
You can return a product within 5 days of delivery if:
o The product is damaged or defective.
o The product differs from the description on the website.
o The wrong product was delivered.
o Missing parts or accessories are identified.
Q7. How do I initiate a return?
Email us at chaardeewari23@gmail.com with your order ID, product details,
and reason for return. We will provide you with the next steps.
Q8. Are there any items that cannot be returned?
Items cannot be returned if:
o They are not in their original condition (e.g., damaged, used, or missing
o The return request is raised more than 5 days after delivery.
Q9. Who pays for return shipping?
If the return is due to our error (e.g., defective or wrong item), we will cover the
shipping costs.
For other reasons, return shipping charges apply and will be deducted from your
Q10. When will I receive my refund?
Refunds are processed within 10 business days after we inspect the returned
item. For COD orders, the amount will be issued as a coupon code for future
Q11. Can I exchange a product instead of returning it?
Yes, you can request an exchange for the same product. Mention your
preference in your return request
Q12. How long does it take to process an exchange?
Once we receive and inspect the returned item, the exchange will be processed,
and the replacement will be shipped within 5-7 business days.
Q13. What if the product color differs slightly from the images on your website?
Due to varying display settings, minor color variations may occur and do not
qualify for returns. However, if the color is completely different from what was
shown, you can raise a return request.
Q14. Can I change my delivery address after placing an order?
Delivery address changes are only possible if the order has not yet been
dispatched. Contact us immediately at chaardeewari23@gmail.com with your
order ID.
Q15. What if my product is damaged during delivery?
If you receive a damaged product, contact us within 5 days of delivery with
photos of the damaged item. We will guide you on the return or replacement